Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Cute As A Button

I have been pining for this loveseat from Cost Plus World Market for at least a month. I saw it online and immediately knew it would be perfect in my apartment. Unfortunately, it was only available in stores, and the one in Seattle hadn’t gotten their shipment yet. It took awhile to get it, but it was well worth the wait. My favorite part about it is the buttons. They’re all different patterns, and it just adds a bit of uniqueness. All in all, I'd say it’s the perfect reading space. 

Thursday, March 22, 2012

La Primavera

I love spring. It always feels like the epitome of a fresh start. The days become longer, everything is coming back to life in bursts of color and, at least in Seattle, the sun begins making cameos again. One of the most synonymous parts of spring in Washington is the Skagit Valley Tulip Festival. Yup, that’s right. One whole month wholly devoted to tulips. It’s awesome.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012


On my way to happy hour drinks with the girls the other night, this was the beautiful sunset over Pike Place Market. It literally stopped traffic because people were standing in the street taking pictures. Oh wait, was that just me?    

Friday, March 16, 2012

Friday Love

It’s Friday, Friday! So happy it’s almost the weekend. This is me on the Oregon coast being happy… 

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

I Heart Seattle

Seattle frequently gets a bad rep for being uber rainy and gray. Having lived here my whole life, I guess I've never know anything different. The rain makes me appreciate those sunny days even more, and without it, we wouldn't have the lush greenery we're know for (Hello? Can you say Emerald City??). Occasionally, I do get jealous of those girls that get to rock cute skirts in April, and leave their house without thinking twice about whether they might get caught in a rainstorm, a snowstorm, have to avoid being blown into oncoming traffic, or need sunglasses so their retinas don’t burn out of their sockets from the glare (and yes, all of those weather phenoms can, and will, happen in one day).  But regardless of your opinion, Seattle is known for a distinct style (OK yes, sometimes flannel) but for the most part, it’s all about necessity. We need our umbrellas, or our waterproof coats, our warm scarves and of course our coffee. Survival of the fittest!

Friday, March 2, 2012


Every first Thursday, the Seattle Art Museum has free admission between 5-9 p.m. Yesterday I went and took advantage of this little perk and had a fabulous time!
The ceiling was breathtaking

These cars were such a crowd stopper. It looks like it's a huge car wreck with a ton of
Ford Taurus'. 
This room smelled SO good: all that wood!
This was the most amazing piece in the whole museum.
For starters, it's absolutely beautiful and looks like
some kind of kimono warrior robe. 
But then when you look closer, it's actually made
up of thousands of dog tags.
And I just loved this one. It was called
"Man and Maus." I think it's hysterical.