Wednesday, May 30, 2012

'Arry Potter!

I found this necklace on Etsy, and I’m totally in love with it! If you’re half as Harry Potter obsessed as I am, then you’ll know that this is a golden snitch. I’m in general a huge fan of owl stuff, so I love that they put one on here.

I started browsing around though, and found this one that I also love, but mostly because it has the great quote: “I open at the close.” This phrase becomes super important in the series and I think it’s just great. J.K. Rowling blows my mind sometimes.

 Anyway, I thought it would be so easy to make a necklace like this, so I’m going to have to do some research and let you know!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Black & Yellow, Black & Yellow

Alright, now that the song is thoroughly stuck in your head, let’s discuss. I used to be completely opposed to the pairing of these two colors with the strong belief that they would make anyone look like a bumblebee. Then, for some unknown reason, I suddenly loved them… when they’re done right. Since I didn’t have time to have a photo shoot, I have piecemealed what my outfit looks like today and I wanted to share it since I thought it looked pretty darn cute. 

Here are some more cute black and yellow outfits:

And just because it's so darn catchy:

dress wu